German Literature reviews on Medium

I’m slowly extending and publishing the book reviews I write quarterly for the American Women’s Club of Hamburg’s magazine, Currents. I’m reading through a list of 100 of the best German novels that have been translated into English and am thoroughly enjoying it. My second review, featuring two Berlin novels, is linked here. Please follow me on Medium!

Motherhood, lockdowns and an abortion story

In light of the recent news out of the US about potential change to abortion laws, the kind folks at Takahē, a wonderful NZ literary magazine have given me permission to republish an essay I wrote a year or so ago. They’ve even made the issue its in (#101) available for a free digital download!

Most of this essay was written when I was deep in the guts of Covid lockdowns here in Germany, reflecting on my role as a mother and my ambition as a writer, which often felt /feels in opposition to each other. In the essay I included my abortion story - a non dramatic removal of multiplying cells in my uterus, due to a failed IUD. I am absolutely grateful that I was in Greece, found a warm and friendly doctor and was able to have an abortion safely and without judgement. It would have been more drawn out had I been in either Germany or New Zealand (back then), requiring a few counselling appointments to ensure I could really be trusted to make decisions about MY OWN BODY. I’m so sorry to American people with uteruses who are going through this and I hope all Americans with logical, working brain cells can come together to fight against the rampant Christian extremists who seem to have taken over your government and justice systems.

It’s quite lovely for me to read this now, in 2022. The New Zealand manuscript is finished and is looking for a home, and I’m working on my next novel. I’ve finished my Masters program and my kids are back at school. I have time to write.

And I don’t have a three year old child because I had the right to control what goes on in my uterus.


Just Call Me Master?

Thrilled to officially be able to write:

Michaela Anchan, MFA

if I ever wanted to! My Master of Fine Arts (Writing) was part of the wonderful International MFA program brought to Vermont College of Fine Arts by the brilliant Xu Xi and Evan Fallenberg. We were/are a small, global cohort of fiction and non-fiction writers and translators. Something about this mix of writers and translators made for energetic, insightful and far reaching workshops and conversations. Our residencies were in Canada, Hong Kong, Portugal and Vermont and outside of the residencies we worked from home very closely with our assigned mentors. I am so thrilled I got to be a part of this special program, from which I have found long lasting friendships, and developed my craft extensively.

"We'll Make a Life" Short Fiction finalist

I am thrilled to announce my short story, “We’ll Make A Life'“ is a finalist in Hunger Mountain’s Howard Frank Mosher Short Fiction Prize. Winners announced in June 2021.

“We’ll Make a Life” is a story of a young immigrant making her way in a foreign country, struggling with issues of power, identity and what she left behind. These are all issues I am looking at for my next novel, so it was fun to work with them over just four thousand words and see how I could bring this young woman to life.